
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

Image of the day February 1, 2012

The Southie Monument

Southie's Monument

Captured this image on a great photo walk through Southie the other day, it is really a privilege to live near here and be able to let my passion loose in these great cities with such rich history.  I find it thrilling to share these lasting images with you and to know that each of you who looks at it gets something different from it so enjoy…

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Image of the Day January 2nd 2012

the kid in chinatown

fun with the birds in Chinatown


I decided to head out into the city yesterday and my ultimate destination was to hit up Chinatown and see what there was to see.. I caught some great stuff but truly felt this was one of the best ones I captured on my walk.  Life is really amazing and to think GOD said that I should have a camera and feel good about the things I capture from behind the lens that I get to share with you!  I haven’t always felt important or worthy of this life but I am starting too, even though I feel like I am kicking and screaming all the way through…

There was a great quote I put on both of my Facebook pages that went something like this, “I was clever and thought I could change the world, then I became wise and started changing myself…”  Isn’t that the truth really that in this world there wil be a lot of things that will knock you down, make you bleed or just rip your soul from you many times.  But it’s not that moment that makes you great but the next moment that you walk into with a better understanding of you and what you are truly capable of that makes your life worthwhile!

I am 38 years old really never thought I would make it this far, I have stories of wonder and excitement in my heart and failure, emptiness and pain as I know we all do but it is those stories that make us who we are today.  We may not think we are important but it is the reason GOD brought us into the life we are in to help the world around us see that change is possible and change is necessary to help the world move forward to a better place for us all…

Too many times in this world people take themselves and the world for granite and it falls down around them, but if they had realized the true nature of their souls they would be able to rise out of the ashes anew. But most are so busy filling their pockets and their big houses with stuff they forget the true meaning of their existence, which is to SHARE!


Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Photo shoot slide show Oct 5, 2011

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Alan P Scherer Jr Photography on Facebook

I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with an amazing woman the other day in New Hampshire her name is Sarah Lindsay and you can tell by her smile just how amazing she truly is.  She is an aspiring hair dresser and make up artist while being and amazing mom to her two beautiful boys as well.  She has a beautiful spirit that can truly take your breath away if you let it and her personality is fun and electric in every way, so I hope you enjoy this slide show of wonderful moments from a great day in my life.


Image of the day September 23, 2011

Slide show of the day

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We all look around but can we truly see the beauty in everything?

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