
Posts Tagged ‘Sport’

Bay State Marathon 2012

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The Bay State Marathon in Lowell was my first marathon, but not my last it was a hard race to run the cramps set in around mile 18 so making it to 26 was quite a feat.  I was joined today by the November Project members Mary Whitcher, Rama Myers, FJ  Perfas, Chad Verry and Kevin Kin the ladder 3 chose the half marathon and before the marathon was over I could really understand why!  The Pics were shot by Mary’s Parents who came to root Mary and the rest of us on this early Sunday morning.

The race was good for the first 13 miles but fatigue and lack of hydration were definitely a factor as the miles wore on…  To have a run partner made it way easier and more fun, so big props to Mary for helping me through an amazing day all around…  We celebrated the finish with chips pb and j’s, soup and bananas an a much needed break from our feet as well.  After all was said and done we all had put our endurance to the test and come out ok on the other side… One marathon down and more great things surely to come!

Image of the day for April 26 2011

Spring on the Charles River

Sunning on the Charles River

I hopped on my Trek mountain bike and headed off Canon 50D digital camera in hand to take in a beautiful 70 degree spring morning. I rode along the Charles from Watertown into the Back Bay near Storrow Dr. and the Hatch shell to enjoy the people running, walking and loving the break in the weather all in their own special way.

I love the aspects that Boston gives us and the creative ways to enjoy it, whether by car, sail boat, bike or running shoes we can truly experience this city with a smile….