
Posts Tagged ‘God’

Image of the day from Watertown, Ma January 15, 2012

North Beacon Street Watertown Massachusetts

Watertown Massachusetts Image of the day 1/15/12

Well I hadn’t tried night photography before and it was a little or really  pretty chilly out tonight but i thought why not…

got the new tripod I got from my brother Rick out and put on a sweatshirt  skull cap and my winter jacket oh yeah some thick gloves too and set out to the Arsenal Street Panera where I actually work days right now as a delivery driver m-f.  Had a little food and coffee before I set out up onto the top level of the parking garage to get a few shots.  I got maybe 4 good shot s as I wasn’t sure what f stop would be best, I shot most at f22 but I am pretty sure somewhere in the middle would have given me better clarity and light.

This capture made me very happy, nice trail lights on a 30 second exposure and a fun little bit of editing in lightroom 3.6.  I love the editing part as much as the capturing part, it is always fun to experiment with different presets and see how the lights and darks work together to become an amazing edit.

Everyday I am learning and absorbing more information and creative ways to share my soul with you, so I truly hope you enjoy my work and my blog..  As I grow and my work grows I shall open my creative voice to you..  I hope you share this with others and become an active commenter as well.

Good evening or good morning as it is and God bless you in everything you choose to do…

~Make today a great day…


Image of the day January 14, 2012

the Lexington Kid

It's a kid's world...


There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings. -Hodding Carter.

Image of the day January 12, 2012

The door is there just walk through it

he can't open the door for you, but he will lead you to it...


What is this life for?  What does it mean to you?  These are important questions on the road of life to lead you where you are going, and it is ok if you’re not knowing right now…  Your path is set, the building blocks are there to build your soul to a  state that  brings your heart to see all the beauty that lies inside it.  The despair you may feel inside is only to cause confusion because if you knew how important you are then Satan would have no power and no reason to be there…  So lift up your spirit and the strength of your voice, for every road you travel down you always have the choice, so see a brighter present and the future too all you need to realize is that it is all within you!  The door lies right in front of you put your hand upon the knob and with no fear to fool you open it to your life and show others to as well.  For we are not here to be alone but to be together otherwise life’s no fun. And please as your walking slow your pace for the race is not worth winning, so stop every chance you can to smell the roses and watch  the sun as it rises and sets for those are the reasons to enjoy yourself and smile as you do.  ” God loves you and it’s time you do to”


Daily edits for January 8, 2012

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Woke up to the thought of warmer than usual weather and no idea how I was going to use it.  Then as I was looking at the news feed on my facebook page I came across my brother Rick’s status that stated”going to the Cape to check on Nana P. at CC Hospital”.  So I knew how I was going to enjoy this day, at the hospital visiting one of the strongest women I have ever had the grace to know..  She is 84 as of last Dec 17th and still smiles her best smiles and loves like it’s going out of style, and her laugh is to priceless for silver or gold.

I was glad to have had the opportunity to be part of the day with my sister Alison and her friend Deb, my little brother Rick and Auntie Pattie who is the youngest daughter of Jim and Mary Piersall.  One of 9 amazing children,aunts and uncles,mothers and fathers as well as just great friends to all of us grandkids.  I am the oldest of the 21 Piersall grandchildren, life is just starting to be what I have always dreamed so can’t wait to see what the Lord Jesus has in store for us next.  There are 15 great grandkids as well the oldest of which is my daughter Isabella who turned 11 last November and the newest angel who belongs to my lovely cousin Lisa and her husband of just over a year Jeremiah.  We are a family like every other, with lots of ups and downs, peaks and valleys to but to tell you the truth with out each and every one of us we wouldn’t be where we are today.  And that is a “FAMILY”

Image of the Day January 3, 2012

Rowing the Charles

Image of the day January 3, 2012


Life is a challenge only years to live, so much learning in store will you take too much or leave more of the good you do outside heavens door?  It’s not about money or fame because it isn’t some foolish little game, it is about creating beautiful moments and accepting what GOD has in store for you once you answer the door.

We are teammates building a solid foundation together that is for so many more generations then this one or that, we are creating an opportunity to shine the light on each other that will never dim or be put out.  But in order for the truth to be told you have to break the cycles, knock down the walls and accept your brothers and sisters as equals and as friends.  It is not our similarities that make us the same but the differences and struggles that have led the way to where we are today.

To change the world we live in we need to accept and change our paths and directions by realizing that we are fallible mortals who make mistakes everyday, but it is truly learning from those mistakes and helping others to learn from theirs as well with a gentle heart and an open hand that will make us great once again.  Let go of the control you think you need and you will soon realize that everything slows down and you are able to enjoy everything so much more…

Together Everyone Achieves More “TEAM”!  With GOD’s love to hold us tightly I say Happy New Year and be great today …


Image of the Day January 2nd 2012

the kid in chinatown

fun with the birds in Chinatown


I decided to head out into the city yesterday and my ultimate destination was to hit up Chinatown and see what there was to see.. I caught some great stuff but truly felt this was one of the best ones I captured on my walk.  Life is really amazing and to think GOD said that I should have a camera and feel good about the things I capture from behind the lens that I get to share with you!  I haven’t always felt important or worthy of this life but I am starting too, even though I feel like I am kicking and screaming all the way through…

There was a great quote I put on both of my Facebook pages that went something like this, “I was clever and thought I could change the world, then I became wise and started changing myself…”  Isn’t that the truth really that in this world there wil be a lot of things that will knock you down, make you bleed or just rip your soul from you many times.  But it’s not that moment that makes you great but the next moment that you walk into with a better understanding of you and what you are truly capable of that makes your life worthwhile!

I am 38 years old really never thought I would make it this far, I have stories of wonder and excitement in my heart and failure, emptiness and pain as I know we all do but it is those stories that make us who we are today.  We may not think we are important but it is the reason GOD brought us into the life we are in to help the world around us see that change is possible and change is necessary to help the world move forward to a better place for us all…

Too many times in this world people take themselves and the world for granite and it falls down around them, but if they had realized the true nature of their souls they would be able to rise out of the ashes anew. But most are so busy filling their pockets and their big houses with stuff they forget the true meaning of their existence, which is to SHARE!


Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Daily edits for December 19, 2011

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You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
Henry David Thoreau

Be your character what it will, it will be known, and nobody will take it upon your word.
Lord Chesterfield

Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.
Thomas Paine

Image of the day December 11, 2011

Mary Ann Teevan Piersall

Mary Piersall is the Image of the day


The kingdom of God is within you.
                                                                                   – Luke 17:21

Alan P Scherer Jr Born August 9 1973 and born again today!

I was born to Alan Peter Scherer and Eileen Mary Piersall over 38 years ago but it is in these past few months that I have truly been born behind this Lens with the help of the Lord Jesus himself as my guide!

A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold.”

– Aristotle

I will find me in the midst of the ruble that being born first into the flames can bring…
~Alan Peter Jr

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I am sorry for the pain your lives have brought, for the fear that lies behind your eyes but I am not sorry for the boy I was and the MAN I am today anymore!  I was not something to stifle nor something to overlook I am a piece of all of you but do you choose to see me?  I have sang for you and danced the dance for you too, I have shut off every piece of me just to be there for you but what did that do…  I have become something in spite of all the stepping on my soul you chose to do for all the attention you chose to keep from me in spite of my loving you are you happy about your actions and your decisions too I was the man you were looking for the one you pushed away too.  37  years it has taken me to see and to be accepting too of the soul you tried to steal because it was to bright for you.  I have cut the cord and seen happier days ahead not to hurt you or anyone else but to love me instead I may have been bipolar but it is not my cross to bare for all your attitudes and emotions had led me to learn to care, I will always love you and call you on your hand but from this moment forward I am my own man!

Thank you Lord for not giving up on me too….

Todays Edits Thanksgiving Day 2011

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The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.” -Oprah

What are you grateful for today?