
Posts Tagged ‘Digital photography’

The November Project…

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So you may be asking, “what is the November Project?”  Well it is a group (tribe) of like minded,dedicated to self, insane in all the right ways people.  Who get together before the sun starts to rise on Boston at least 3 days a week.

This “Tribe” meets Monday mornings in the city at a destination that is set on Saturdays consisting of a deck of cards, red cards being situps and black cards being pushups.  So for every card turned you do that number from 2 to the Ace which is 14.  The workout has been spiced up a little bit as well with things from sprints to the Burpee which we all love so much.

This was all put together  by Brogan Graham and Bojan Mandaric who started this Project last  November because they were having trouble getting motivated as the Winter was setting in.  So they decided to count on each other to provide support and #verbal commitment to be there at the workout for themselves and each other.

On Wednesday mornings bright and early at 6:30 we get together in Allston at Harvard University Stadium and do the full tour of the stadium stairs which is 37 sections long, for Newbies of the stadium they start with 20 sections to get themselves acclimated to just how tough it can be.  But for those Newbies that dare they can go through with the 37 sections if they like.  the great thing is we all hoot,holler and “Fuck Ya” for each other through the whole Tour…   Sometimes we do a longer tour called the Frogman1 which is 50 sections, and there are just some people crazy enough to try that more than once in a day to get 100 sections in… Of which I am one!

And we end the week on Friday in Brookline at the cross streets of Beacon St. and Summit Ave., which is a .4 mile hill with a 18% grade.  We meet at the top where we join hands and bring in the day together.  Some days we do 6,9,or 12 hills individually to build up our tolerance for such a hill and we time it to always track how much better we get week to week.  And some days we do the Indiana Jones style run which is a group style run.  A group of 5-8 people get together and the back person sprints to the front and then slows the pace while the next person and so forth does the same, till you reach the top then you casually jog down and start again.  We usually do that 3,5 or 7 times as well.  Like with the stairs some people take it upon themselves to do more,  the gauntlet was thrown down by Brogan one week to do 15 hills which is 12.63 miles and some of  us took him up on that.  But then we took it a little farther as well, doing 20 which is 16 miles and finally or shall I say so far 33 is the peak amount and equalling 26.36 miles done by Joey Kile and myself… Ya it’s a little crazy but you don’t know what your capable of  if you don’t give it a try!

The reason I began this great adventure was because my friend Kevin told me that I missed this great workout at Harvard with the November Project and that I should check them out on the web.  So I did, it looked cool and most likely just what I was looking for in my life.  So I went to the store got the new nikes with the chip put the app on my phone and have been running forward ever since.  It has gotten me to a place I have never been before and will keep going till my legs give way.  I will run my first marathon on Oct 21,2012 the Bay State  and possibly qualify for the Boston Marathon if I run better than 3:05, anything is possible!

Boston Shots

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These are some shots I have taken form around the Boston area including Harvard and the Charles River…  I hope you enjoy them and they bring a smile to your face.


Image of the day November 23, 2011

Selling his Wares

If you would create something,
you must be something.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Every artist was first an amateur.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
Leon J. Suenes

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.
Horace Bushnell

Image of the day November 20,2011

digging for third


Baseball is a great game for all ages that takes patience, dedication and guts to master but can only truly be enjoyed from the heart…. I am not now as good as I once was but at one time I was pretty good at this, Americas pass time.

Photo shoot slide show Oct 5, 2011

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Alan P Scherer Jr Photography on Facebook

I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with an amazing woman the other day in New Hampshire her name is Sarah Lindsay and you can tell by her smile just how amazing she truly is.  She is an aspiring hair dresser and make up artist while being and amazing mom to her two beautiful boys as well.  She has a beautiful spirit that can truly take your breath away if you let it and her personality is fun and electric in every way, so I hope you enjoy this slide show of wonderful moments from a great day in my life.


Image of the day Oct 5, 2011

beautiful eyes

These eyes...

“Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits, Take care of your garden, And keep out the weeds, Fill it with SUNSHINE, Kind words and kind deeds” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Alan P Scherer Jr Photography on Facebook

Image of the day September 23, 2011

Image of the day Sept 21, 2011

Image of the day Sept 20, 2011

It’s been awhile hasn’t it!

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Hello everyone, it has been a while since my last post sorry about that. a lot has been going on and gotten in my way a little. But I have added my work to and you can purchase these works on anything from a greeting card to a fully framed print or a cool poster as well. I hope you enjoy these images, I loved creating them….

Alan P Scherer Jr on Facebook
Wix websit for Alan P Scherer Jr Photography