
Archive for the ‘spring’ Category

It’s been awhile hasn’t it!

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Hello everyone, it has been a while since my last post sorry about that. a lot has been going on and gotten in my way a little. But I have added my work to and you can purchase these works on anything from a greeting card to a fully framed print or a cool poster as well. I hope you enjoy these images, I loved creating them….

Alan P Scherer Jr on Facebook
Wix websit for Alan P Scherer Jr Photography

Image of the day for April 26 2011

Spring on the Charles River

Sunning on the Charles River

I hopped on my Trek mountain bike and headed off Canon 50D digital camera in hand to take in a beautiful 70 degree spring morning. I rode along the Charles from Watertown into the Back Bay near Storrow Dr. and the Hatch shell to enjoy the people running, walking and loving the break in the weather all in their own special way.

I love the aspects that Boston gives us and the creative ways to enjoy it, whether by car, sail boat, bike or running shoes we can truly experience this city with a smile….

Image of the day 4/20

Southern New England Womans Expo

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So I was asked to come help put into photos an amazing day in Lincoln, RI on Sunday.  I have helped out the lovely Pat Paolino Cruz before but when I arrived to find the line out, down and around the corner of the Twin River Casino it was quite a sight.  The Expo went from 11-5 but I think that with what Pat and her partner had helped put together everyone had waited with baited breath to get there and see the glorious things, fashions and cosmetics that vendors had put together for this amazing event.

There were three fashion shows, with two designer lines that were brought out for the ladies and let’s just say wow is the only word that came to mind as the models from The beauty within modeling agency took the stage, the agency is run by Pam Masucci and her wonderful staff.  The makeup and hair were done by Gloss and Glamour run by Kristen Marrah and her fine staff as well,  First line was created by Maria Del Carmen Mercado .

And the later show was designed by A Boston based designer who’s studio is in Cambridge, but loves to spend time in Rhode Island to share his wears. His name is Samuel Vartan.

For most of the afternoon the stage was filled with local businesses like golds gym and exercise routines like zumba by Fitworld who rocked the stage, for who doesn’t want to get in shape for summer..  I tried to capture the atmosphere and attitude of the day and it was a wonderful experience had by all as I could tell.  Anthony and Pat  make a great team producing this huge event.  Also, to add to her ” to do” list,  Pat really out did herself this year and I believe her cosmetics line is the wonderful addition to the events she puts together now.  She also Publishes  her own magazine that maybe you have come across in your travels?  It is called Southern New England Woman magazine if you haven’t checked it out you should it is helped along by the Production Manager Tony Aguilar .

As I left for the afternoon I was filled with joy and more passion for what I love to do and that is to tell a story about the moments shared that I get to capture and I will leave it up to all of you who read this to figure that out, hope you enjoy the work and the beautiful moments of the expo.

There were six photographers that  joined in the great day as well, you may know some of them.   Robert Dosdourian who owns Ocean State Photography ,  Will Muggle who owns Muggle Photography, and  Mark Oulette who owns Oulette Photography.

If you’d like to visit my facebook and website just click on the links below.

Alan P Scherer Jr Photography on Facebook

Alan P Scherer Jr Photography at official website

Image of the day

the gull


Spring on Boston Harbor 

I was out looking for employment in the city for the bills don’t pay themselves no matter how much we would like them to.  I have my camera and it helps tell a story of my view of this great city we live in.  Hopefully soon I can provide myself a good living with my Canon 50d but for now I just speak through my 28-135 Canon ultrasonic with macro and image stabilizer, as well as my Canon 50mm 1.8 lens.  I hope my view of the world not only entertains you but helps you feel the beauty of life as well. 

Alan P Scherer Jr Photography at

Alan P Scherer Jr Photography on FaceBook

Image of the day


Island Creek Oyster Bar Kenmore Square

Great Eats!

The Island Creek Oyster Bar in the Kenmore Square area of Fenway is a great place to get fresh seafood and awesome cocktails before or after any Red Sox game or even when they are off or on the road too.

Image of the day


Teddy Ball Game

Bringing in the spring Boston style...

Opening day was a huge success for the home town Red Sox as they beat the hated Yankees 9-6 and over the weekend took 2 out of 3 to start the home stand thanx to Dustin Pedroia and the pitching staff.

Opening Day 2011

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So yesterday was opening day at the old ball park located in the Fen.  So I set out to Kenmore Sq. by way of Watertown Sq on the 57 bus, straight shot by way of Brighton to Kenmore.  Camera in one hand and Ipod in the other I wanted to help bring this day to life and share it with the outside world that may not realize the power that the Red Sox give to our fair city.

They may have come home completely wiped from starting 0-6 but you couldn’t tell from the fans that our Sox were beaten and bruised from two miserable series losses starting in Texas, who really wants to start their season in Texas anyway they were the American League champs and offensively not a team you want your Pitching staff to have to go toe to toe with.  Then it was off to cold and foggy Cleavland for a series where the offense wasn’t in sinc at all but the pitching staff was showing signs of life instead.

So the pull in to Fenway park in  their eclectic brands of vehicles in the parking lot and prepare to put together a run in this 10 game home stand but oh it’s against the hated Yankees, which is always a tough battle for both teams home or away.  John Lackey got the call as it was his turn in the rotation to try and stop this train wreck of a season, he was having a tough time handling the Yank power stacked lineup but the Sox offense was more than willing to keep him and the bullpen alive til the bitter end.  As the Sox and Dustin Pedroia won the ball game 9-6 and the back end of the bullpen including Bard, Jenks and Pap put the finishing touches on the first of many great wins this season or at least we hope.

Image of the day for April 7, 2011

signs of spring..

spring beauty

I hope spring treats you well….

I have an inspirational blog too check it out

and check out some of my favorite pages by scrolling down this page…

March 29, 2011 Image of the Day