
Posts Tagged ‘Nana’

Mary Piersall our Nana

Our Nana

Still kickin Butt and taking names !


We love you Nana oh yes we do, we love you Nana oh yes we do, when you’re not near us we’re blue, oh Nana we love you, You Bet!

Nana Piersall I wouldn’t be half the me I am getting to know today without you!

I love you and we love you so much…

Image of the Day December 17, 2011

Today in the year 1927 Mary Ann Teevan was born in Scranton Pennsylvania


the best NANA eva!

Happy Birthday Nana we love you 🙂

all our moms

by Alan Peter Scherer

so beautiful the way
she walks
gentle are the words
she talks
to be loved by her
you would walk a mile
given gifts
to show the way
her life
has no debt to pay
along her path she
hit a few bumpy roads
she always carried
the heavy loads
she has given
many hugs and kisses
always hits never misses.