
Posts Tagged ‘Music’

Image of the Day February 4,2012

The Kiley Evans Country singer

She Rocks "Kiley Evans"

So tonight I went and saw Kiley Evans sing a few of her songs and a few covers that she thought the crowd would enjoy and she was right we loved all her music, she has an amazing voice and is Lyrically inspiring as well.  I left right after even though there were a few more awesome musicians left to come.  But I am not as young as I used to be, so I hit the Redline to the 71 Bus to Watertown so I could get to work on Editing this fun evening.

Please check out Kiley and her music at her website

Image of the day January 8, 2012

The oldest and the youngest of us

Family is ....



by Alan Peter Scherer Jr

Individuals they all are
Learning as they grow
love is difficult to attain
The way they know
expectations so high
Living up to them?
To love unconditionally
Is the hardest Part
When all is said and done
To be a true family
Takes nothing at all
Just be there for them
When they call